Catalog>Piece of Coal Music>NSA Ensemble
by NSA Ensemble
The NSA ensemble live at the Jazz Showcase August 27th, 2012 under the direction of Saalik Ziyad
Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered by Caleb Willitz
Karl Seigfried
Harrison Bankhead
Fred Jackson – alto, soprano and flute
Jacob Slocumb - bari
Rich Moore – clarinet and tenor
Rajiv Halim - alto
Chris Greene – tenor
Coco Elesis -percussion
Brent Roman - percussion
Daron Nelson – trap drums
Nils Higdon – trap drums
Sarah Marie Young
Taalib-din Ziyad
Rashida Walker
Shaun Johnson
Dan Godston
Sam Hankins
Sara Earhart
Roosevelt Griffin – tuba
Eric Miller – trombone
Steve Berry – trombone
Norman Palm - trombone
Special Instruments
Edward Wilkerson – oud
Alex Wing – oud
Preyas Roy – vibes
Willerm Delisfort -piano
Larry Brown guitar
Photo credit by Mark Sheldon, John Blanton, Farrad Ali, John Broughton, Gregory Franz